JAMB has now activated the portal for the printing of UTME 2020 Mock exam slip. Candidates, who indicated interest to write the Mock Exam during the early registration period, can now print their exam slip for the mock exam, which is expected to hold on February 18th, 2020. The mock exam slip will indicate the venue and time of the exam for eligible candidates.
We advise all those who are eligible for the Mock Exam to also check their emails (including junk/SPAM Folder) as JAMB may also email the mock exam schedule.

Nevertheless, we have provided guidelines for candidates to print their Mock exam slips directly from the JAMB portal. See the details below;
Steps to Check and Reprint JAMB Mock Exam Slip
- Visit the checking portal via this link; https://www.jamb.org.ng/ExamSlipPrinting1/PrintMockExaminationSlip
- Enter your JAMB Reg. No or Email in the space provided, and click “Print Examination Slip”.
- When the Exam Slip is revealed to you, go ahead and print it.