The meeting was held on 16th February 2023. The Vice-Chancellor called for the meeting to inform the student Executives of the new changes to be made starting from the next session.

Firstly, she addressed the issue of the Election break which is slated from 22nd February to 14th March, 2023. She said all students must vacate the hostels from 22nd to 23rd February 2023. No student will be allowed to stay in the hostels during the election break due to security issues.

Secondly, The undergraduate obligatory fees and Hostel Accommodation fees will be increased. The 21k we are paying can’t be used to run the university any longer and the Federal Government is not ready to fund the institutions. Therefore the school management has decided to increase the Undergraduate Obligatory fees and Hostel Accommodation fees.

The VC assures affordability of the fees and in some cases where the student cannot pay the obligatory fees at once, installment payment will be allowed, but the fee must be paid before exams, she stated that students will get the best quality of Education as well as Accommodation with the new increment.

Increase in fees, school and hostel fees will be effective next session and it vary depending on the course of study, as the fees will cater for student academic services. Some wings in the Hostels will be shut down to commence renovations. The new prices will be communicated very soon.

Thirdly, the VC added that the University is partnering with Coursera to offer students online courses for free. And the courses cut across different fields. So it is open to all students.

Lastly, the DSA stated that Balloting and election voting will now be done faculty by faculty.

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